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Japanese Curry Recipe

By Ashley Begin

This recipe is still a work in progress.


1 lb Beef, cubed
5-6 Yukon gold potatoes, cubed
3 lb bag of carrots, peeled and large diced
3 medium onions, large diced
SB Golden Japanese curry mix, Medium-hot. (2 packages)
1 knob Ginger, grated
5-6 cloves garlic grated
Tablespoon toasted sesame oil
Tablespoon soy sauce
Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
Tablespoon Mirin
Scanned image of church recipe


1. Toss Beef cubes with soy sauce and sesame oil.
2. Heat Vegetable oil in Dutch oven.
3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
4. Sear beef chunks in dutch oven.
5. Add garlic and ginger to seared beed, cook 1 minute till fragrant.
6. Add mirin to pan to deglaze.
7. Add vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onion) and enough water to barely cover meat and vegetables.
8. Add 3 curry cubes and stir.
9. Turn up heat to high and bring to a boil.
10. Once boiling, put lid on and transfer to oven. Cook for 30 minutes.
11. Start rice at this time.
12. After the 30 minutes is up, remove lid and transfer pot back to the stove.
13. Add 5 S&B curry cubes and stir them in till the dissolve.
14. Simmer another 30 minutes, until potatoes are tender.
15. Serve with rice.